Used products
Vacuum bagging is a method which makes use of atmospheric pressure in order to press fibres and core material together or keep them in place until the product has hardened completely.
Here you can see how the excess resin is sucked under pressure into an air bleeder
After drying the excess resin is removed.
Notice how the fibres and the core material have been squeezed together under high pressure.
Notice the stiffness of a component with core material. (Weight 1.7 kg)
Vacuum clamping has numerous advantages when compared to mechanical clamping.mechanical clamping exerts pressure on specificconcentrated areas.
As a result the core material can easily become damaged in certain areas whereas there is insufficient pressure exerted in other areas.
With vaccum clamping the pressure is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the object regardless of the size and shape of the piece.

This allows us to provide a wider variety of products and a stronger bonding over the entire surface.

Vacuum clamping creates a thinner laminate with fewer air pockets.

Vacuum clamping removes excess resin creating the optimal resin reinforcement which results in lighter en better quality pieces.
Carbon fibres  
1x the weight of resin 1x the weight of reinforcement
1x weight of reinforcement 1/2 weight of resin
1x weight of reinforcement 1x weight of reinforcement
1x weight of resin 1x weight of resin
The thickness of the piece to be made is more important in determining the strength and weight of the piece than the choice of material (carbon, kevlar, glass).

Core materials are ideal for use with relatively flat surfaces such as doors, car bonets......
By making use of core materials we achieve more strength and less weight.